


Facultatea de ȘTIINȚE ECONOMICE, Universitatea Hyperion din București organizează
Ediția a IV-a

The 4th Edition of The International Conference TRENDS IN THE CURRENT ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT

Download conference programme and registration form:

Download-ează fișierul (Programul conferintei FSE-Hyperion, December 5th-6th, 2019.pdf)Programul conferinței237 kB

Papers structure and preparation

- The abstract will be in English, no longer than 300 words;

- Papers will be written in English language, not longer than 10 pages.

- The paper and abstract will be elaborated in MS Word, A4 format, 0.25 cm edges, justified, line spacing: single, Times New Roman 11.

The following structure of a paper is recommended: 1. Introduction, 2. Experimental (Theory, Modelling, ….), 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Conclusions.

The first page must contain: Title of paper (main title underlined); Authors names and the institute where the work was conducted; Keywords, for indexing purposes; Abstract.

The exact address complete, with a postal code of the principal author must be given.

Add e-mail if possible.

In order to publish in the Proceedings of Conference, the manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form, the operating system and word processing software used to produce your document should be WORD for WINDOWS. The following rules for text processing should be used.

Main text and equations: Times New Roman 11 pt, spacing: single, first line; left indent 0.5 cm, alignment: justified

Footnotes, figure explanations: Times New Roman 9 pt, spacing: single, first line; left indent 0.5 cm, alignment: justified

Table content: Times New Roman 9 pt, spacing: single, alignment: centre

References: Times New Roman 9 pt, spacing: single, first line; left indent 0.5 cm, alignment: justified, Author’s names – plain; Books titles – italic; Publication titles – plain; Tome no. – Bold.

References will be consecutively numbered in the text and collected at the end of the paper in the following style for journals, proceedings, books and sites, respectively:

[1] F. K. Hilton, Economic Theory, J. Econ. Theory, 52, 426-428 (2004)

[2] I. Victa, Statistic applications, Proc. of Trends in the Current Economic Environment 2018 International Conference, Victor Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania, 2018, p. 11

[3] V. N. Morison & H. E. Hennley, An Introduction to Economic, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, p.10

Figures and tables must be introduced in the text with their legends.

The manuscripts should be as concise as possible. Original whose length exceeds 10 pages are strongly discouraged.

The manuscripts should be sent to the following e-mail addresses: Această adresă de email este protejată de spambots. Trebuie să aveți JavaScript activat ca să o puteți vedea. 

- registration form and abstract -  6 November, 2019 by e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată de spambots. Trebuie să aveți JavaScript activat ca să o puteți vedea. 
- Paper submission -  28 February, 2020 by e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată de spambots. Trebuie să aveți JavaScript activat ca să o puteți vedea.

The authors assume responsibility for the originality, intellectual property rights and ethical implications of all papers accepted for publication in the Conference Proceedings. The authors are solely responsible for obtaining the permission / copy rights to publish tables, figures or images form other journals, books or publications.

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